Robert Wolff dc5bc1fe5b linting: fix typos, add toml validation (#7007)
- adds the `toml` plugin to the `eslint` linting → expect to have `options/setting/config.toml` by #6862
- fixes `make lint-codespell` commands
- related concerning `codespell`: #3270
- info: codespell check is and was not activated in the workflows (could maybe, runs only few seconds on my system)

Reviewed-by: Earl Warren <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Wolff <>
Co-committed-by: Robert Wolff <>
2025-02-21 08:23:03 +00:00

20 lines
3.4 KiB

This is a security release. See the documentation for more information on the [upgrade procedure](
- Security bug fixes
A [change introduced in Forgejo v1.21]( allows a Forgejo user with write permission on a repository description to [inject a client-side script into the web page viewed by the visitor]( This XSS allows for `href` in anchor elements to be set to a `javascript:` URI in the repository description, which will execute the specified script upon clicking (and not upon loading). [`AllowStandardURLs`]( is now called for the repository description policy, which ensures that URIs in anchor elements are `mailto:`, `http://` or `https://` and thereby disallowing the `javascript:` URI.
<!--start release-notes-assistant-->
- User Interface bug fixes
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4848 --><!--line 0 --><!--description RG8gbm90IGluY2x1ZGUgdHJhaWxpbmcgRU9MIGNoYXJhY3RlciB3aGVuIGNvdW50aW5nIGxpbmVz-->Do not include trailing EOL character when counting lines<!--description-->
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4847 --><!--line 0 --><!--description QWRkIGJhY2tncm91bmQgdG8gcmVhY3Rpb25zIG9uIGhvdmVy-->Add background to reactions on hover<!--description-->
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4807 --><!--line 0 --><!--description UHJldmVudCB1cHBlcmNhc2UgaW4gaGVhZGVyIG9mIGRhc2hib2FyZCBjb250ZXh0IHNlbGVjdG9y-->Prevent uppercase in header of dashboard context selector<!--description-->
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4756 --><!--line 0 --><!--description Rml4IHBhZ2UgbGF5b3V0IGluIGFkbWluIHNldHRpbmdz-->Fix page layout in admin settings<!--description-->
- Bug fixes
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4901 --><!--line 0 --><!--description ZGlzYWxsb3cgamF2YXNjcmlwdDogVVJJIGluIHRoZSByZXBvc2l0b3J5IGRlc2NyaXB0aW9u-->disallow javascript: URI in the repository description<!--description-->
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4865 --><!--line 0 --><!--description RW5zdXJlIGFsbCBmaWx0ZXJzIGFyZSBwZXJzaXN0ZW50IGluIGlzc3VlIGZpbHRlcnM=-->Ensure all filters are persistent in issue filters<!--description-->
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4840 --><!--line 0 --><!--description QWxsb3cgNCBjaGFyYWNodGVyIFNIQSBpbiBgL3NyYy9jb21taXRg-->Allow 4 character SHA in `/src/commit`<!--description-->
- Localization
- [PR]( ([backported]( <!--number 4881 --><!--line 0 --><!--description aTE4bjogYmFja3BvcnQgb2YgIzQ2NjggYW5kICM0NzgzIHRvIHY4-->i18n: backport of #4668 and #4783 to v8<!--description-->
<!--end release-notes-assistant-->