.github | ||
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Tech Reborn for 1.12 
Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod designed by the ideals of GregTech 2 and Industrial Craft 2 pre-experimental. The mod includes tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progression throughout the mod.
Remember to always backup your worlds before adding or updating mods!
Recommended Releases
Versions we determine are stable enough can always be found on our CurseForge page. The top file on this list should always be the latest recommended release of Tech Reborn.
Development Builds
Jenkins builds of TechReborn are compiled directly from this repository. Please remember to backup your worlds, ESPECIALLY before using a jenkins build of TechReborn. Before reporting a bug, we highly encourage trying to reproduce the bug with the latest jenkins build in a seperate environment, to make sure we haven't fixed it already.
If you're looking for the latest bleeding edge build, these are found on our Jenkins page. Use these with caution, and please do not put these in modpacks:
Issues and Suggestions
To report an issue or make a suggestion, please head up to the Issues
tab up above, and open a new issue. You will need a GitHub account for this (it's free!). It is very important that you include the version of Tech Reborn you are using in your issue report.
Please note that the following screenshots use the new Tech Reborn textures that are in the 1.11+ releases:
- Modmuss50 - Lead Developer
- Gigabit101 - Developer
- Prospector - Developer & Texture Artist
- Yulife - Lead Texture Artist
- The Chisel Team - Connected Textures if Chisel is installed
Tech Reborn is licensed under the MIT license. Full license is in LICENSE.md.