plugins { id 'java' id 'groovy' id 'java-library' id 'idea' id 'eclipse' id 'maven-publish' id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.19.0' id 'fabric-loom' version '1.3-SNAPSHOT' id 'me.modmuss50.mod-publish-plugin' version '0.3.3' } repositories { maven { name "REI" url "" content { includeGroup "me.shedaniel" includeGroup "me.shedaniel.cloth" includeGroup "dev.architectury" } } mavenCentral() } def ENV = System.getenv() group = 'TechReborn' allprojects { version = project.mod_version + (ENV.GITHUB_ACTIONS ? "" : "+local") apply plugin: "fabric-loom" apply plugin: "maven-publish" apply plugin: "com.diffplug.spotless" sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 loom { runtimeOnlyLog4j = true splitEnvironmentSourceSets() } // Shared deps between TR and RC dependencies { minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${project.minecraft_version}" mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${project.yarn_version}:v2" modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${project.loader_version}" //Fabric api modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${project.fapi_version}" include(modApi("teamreborn:energy:${project.energy_version}")) { transitive = false } } processResources { "version", project.version filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") { expand "version": project.version } } tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { it.options.encoding = "UTF-8" it.options.release = 17 } java { withSourcesJar() } publishing { publications { register("maven", MavenPublication) { groupId artifactId project.archivesBaseName + "-" + (ENV.GITHUB_REF_NAME ?: "local") version project.version from } } repositories { if (ENV.MAVEN_URL) { maven { url ENV.MAVEN_URL credentials { username ENV.MAVEN_USERNAME password ENV.MAVEN_PASSWORD } } } } } spotless { java { licenseHeaderFile(file("HEADER")) removeUnusedImports() indentWithTabs() trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() } } } spotless { groovy { licenseHeaderFile(file("HEADER")) indentWithTabs() trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() } } processResources { doLast { // Depend on the reborn core version it was built against fileTree(dir: outputs.files.asPath, include: "fabric.mod.json").each { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() def modJson = jsonSlurper.parseText(it.text) modJson.depends.reborncore = "~${project.version}" it.text = JsonOutput.toJson(modJson) } } } loom { accessWidenerPath = file("src/main/resources/techreborn.accesswidener") } sourceSets { // Add a data gen sourceset datagen { compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath runtimeClasspath += main.runtimeClasspath compileClasspath += main.output runtimeClasspath += main.output } gametest { compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath runtimeClasspath += main.runtimeClasspath compileClasspath += main.output runtimeClasspath += main.output } main { resources { srcDirs += [ 'src/main/generated' ] } } } allprojects { loom { mods { reborncore { sourceSet project(":RebornCore").sourceSets.main sourceSet project(":RebornCore").sourceSets.client } techreborn { sourceSet project(":").sourceSets.main sourceSet project(":").sourceSets.client } "techreborn-datagen" { sourceSet project(":").sourceSets.datagen } "techreborn-gametest" { sourceSet project(":").sourceSets.gametest } } } } // TechReborn specific dependencies dependencies { api project(path: ":RebornCore", configuration: "namedElements") clientImplementation project(":RebornCore").sourceSets.client.output include project(":RebornCore") optionalClientDependency("me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-fabric:${project.rei_version}", true) // Use groovy for datagen/gametest, if you are copying this you prob dont want it. gametestImplementation 'org.apache.groovy:groovy:4.0.10' datagenImplementation 'org.apache.groovy:groovy:4.0.10' gametestImplementation ("") { exclude module: "guava" exclude module: "asm" } } def optionalClientDependency(String dep, runtime = true) { def exclude = { exclude group: "net.fabricmc.fabric-api" exclude group: "net.fabricmc" } dependencies.modClientCompileOnly(dep, exclude) if (runtime) { dependencies.modClientRuntimeOnly(dep, exclude) } } loom { runs { // Add a data gen run config datagen { server() name "Data Generation" vmArg "-Dfabric-api.datagen" vmArg "-Dfabric-api.datagen.output-dir=${file("src/main/generated")}" vmArg "-Dfabric-api.datagen.modid=techreborn-datagen" runDir "build/datagen" source sourceSets.datagen } // Use to run the tests gametest { server() name "Game Test" vmArg "-Dfabric-api.gametest" vmArg "${project.buildDir}/junit.xml" runDir "build/gametest" source sourceSets.gametest } // Use to debug tests gametestClient { client() name "Game Test Client" source sourceSets.gametest } } } runDatagen { // Doesn't re-run the task when its up-to date outputs.dir('src/main/generated') } tasks.sourcesJar.dependsOn runDatagen jar { exclude "**/*.psd" from file('src/main/generated') from { fileTree('build/translations').matching{exclude "**/en_US.json"} } // A bit of a hack to allow the generated sources when they already exist duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE dependsOn 'fixTranslations' dependsOn 'runDatagen' } tasks.register('crowdinExport') { description "Triggers crowdin to export the latest translations" onlyIf { ENV.CROWDIN_KEY } doLast { def apiKey = ENV.CROWDIN_KEY def projectId = 'techreborn' def response = new URL(sprintf('$s/export?key=%2$s', [projectId, apiKey])).text def metadata = new XmlParser().parseText(response) project.logger.lifecycle("crowdin export status: " + metadata.@status) } } def translationsUrl = "" def translationsZip = file("build/") // tasks.register('crowdin') { // dependsOn crowdinExport // description "Downloads translations from CrowdIn" // outputs.file translationsZip // doLast { // translationsZip.bytes = new URL(translationsUrl).bytes // } // } tasks.register('cleanCrowdin', Delete) { description "Delete old translations" delete 'build/translations' } clean.dependsOn cleanCrowdin tasks.register('renameCrowdin', Copy) { // dependsOn crowdin description "Renames the translation files to be all lower case" from zipTree(translationsZip) into file('build/translations') rename { String filename -> return filename.toLowerCase() } doFirst { file('build/translations').deleteDir() } } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput tasks.register('fixTranslations') { dependsOn renameCrowdin description "Remove all translations that do not have an entry, ensures that minecraft falls back to EN_US over writing out an empty string" def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() doLast { file('build/translations').eachFileRecurse( { if (".json")) { def lang = jsonSlurper.parseText(it.text) lang.values().removeIf { val -> val.empty } it.text = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(lang)) } } } } // Use to test the crowdin translations in a dev env tasks.register('copyTranslationsToGenerated', Copy) { dependsOn fixTranslations from file('build/translations') into file('src/main/generated') } publishMods { changelog = providers.environmentVariable("CHANGELOG").orElse("No changelog provided") version = project.version type = providers.environmentVariable("RELEASE_CHANNEL").orElse("release").map {it == "release" ? STABLE : BETA } modLoaders.add("fabric") dryRun = providers.environmentVariable("CURSEFORGE_API_KEY").getOrNull() == null def options = curseforgeOptions { accessToken = providers.environmentVariable("CURSEFORGE_API_KEY") minecraftVersions.add("1.20.1") requires { slug = "fabric-api" } } curseforge("curseforgeTechReborn") { from options projectId = "233564" file = remapJar.archiveFile requires { slug = "reborncore" } optional { slug = "roughly-enough-items" } } curseforge("curseforgeRebornCore") { from options projectId = "237903" file = project(":RebornCore").tasks.remapJar.archiveFile displayName = "RebornCore $version" } github { file = remapJar.archiveFile additionalFiles.from project(":RebornCore").tasks.remapJar.archiveFile repository = providers.environmentVariable("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").orElse("dryrun") accessToken = providers.environmentVariable("GITHUB_TOKEN") commitish = providers.environmentVariable("GITHUB_REF_NAME").orElse("dryrun") } }