* Added woolomania and started carpetmania
* Added ColoredItem utility class
* Removed optional getters for normal ones
* Added ColoredItem Util and used that for chem. Reactor
* Added documentation for the util class
* Added red sand recipe
Crafting Table: Sand + Netherrack Dust -> Red Sand
Gives another use to Netherrack Dust and makes Red Sand almost renewable (only limited by available Netherrack)
* Added sugar recipe
Extractor: Sugar Cane -> Sugar
Increases yield by 50%. Good for food mods.
* Added Ender Chest uncrafting
Ind.Grinder: Ender Chest + Water/Mercury -> some obsidian dust and ender eye dust
Of course we want to throw a stone chest in the grinder. Returning dusts instead of items should make this work.
* Added datagen fluid extraction recipes
Extractor: bucket/bottle/cell -> empty version
The empty cell recipe has been moved into datagen, the rest are natural expansions.
* Added string extraction
Extractor: banner/bed -> 5/3 String
About 1 String per used wool, but 6 seemed too much for banner in comparison to bed, so 1 less.
* Added sponge grinding
Grinder: (any tagged) sponge -> 5 sponge pieces
Not much use rn. Grinding over crafting because the newly introduced tag allows grinding of other sponges as well, which might have another color. I think grinding works better for that.
* Added lantern assembling
Assembling Machine: 10 (soul) torches + 8 iron ingots -> 10 (soul) lantern
8 iron ingots are 8x8 + 8 iron nuggets and could normally only be used for 9 lanterns. The automation also saves the step of turning an ingot into nuggets first.
* Added netherite alloying
Alloy Smelter: 10 gold ingots + 10 netherite scrap -> 3 netherite ingots
Since returning 3 ingots, time is tripled from normal alloying. Effectively means 20 scrap can produce 6 ingots instead of 5, which is a 20% increase.
There are 5 tools and 4 armor pieces that can be netherite'd in vanilla. In vanilla this needs 36 Ancient debris. With the ind. Grinder only 12 Ancient Debris are needed, and alloying reduces this further to 10.
Important one is adding the nether stuff, which I forgot in a previous sawmill update.
Added slicing of a part of stairs to make slabs.
Added slicing slabs into pressure plate.
Added sawdust recipes for a lots of wooden stuff.
Also added grinder recipes when appropriate.
* Fixes#2783 hopefully
Needs to be tested still. Goal: changed blasting to use half as much as time as regular furnace for same item.
* Fixed bug in commit thanks to ErrorSys
forgot that order of optional arguments is important and that int can be cast to float automatically
* fix naming in ModelSantaHat.java
* Fix grammar, spelling, and javadocs in RebornCore
* Fix spelling error in datagen
* fix missed variable name
* fix grammar, spelling, and javadoc errors
* fix grammar and spelling errors in project files
* specify indent_size in .editorconfig
Unified power/time for a couple of similar processings.
All storage blocks of items that could be grinded should be able to be grinded now, with some time save compared to the items themselves.
* Added dust crafting data gen.
Generation works, but how do I get TR to recognize the existence of the new stuff?
* Added generic armor and tools to the datagen. Also resolved conflicts from the merge with recently changed datagen
* Fixed copy-paste error
by accident for second ingredient first would be taken again
* automatized tag generation
* fixed lingering bugs from previous commit
* much much more gen, for about 269 files
* wrongly deleted recipes in last commit
* Added rest of the decorative storage block variants to datagen