Changes primary output to 2x raw iridium as other recipes that use mercury with this machine generally have a greater output than just with water.
Makes more sense to have the raw ore as the output from this machine instead of an ingot, which you would usually get from a furnace of some type.
* Fixes#2783 hopefully
Needs to be tested still. Goal: changed blasting to use half as much as time as regular furnace for same item.
* Fixed bug in commit thanks to ErrorSys
forgot that order of optional arguments is important and that int can be cast to float automatically
I increased the capacity of tanks to be even remotely considered an alternative to storage units with cells. I kept the values conservative since increasing is always an option, but decreasing might cause item loss.
Basic Tank: 35 -> 128 (about 3.5 times)
Advanced Tank: 200 -> 512 (about 2.5 times)
Industrial Tank: 500 -> 1024 (about 2 times)
I oriented myself at the storage unit steps, which are quadrupled with each tier until advanced, then doubled to industrial.
While I was at it, I changed everything to powers of 2 with the shift operator (so other code readers aren't too confused about seemingly arbitrary values) and added explaining comments.
* fix naming in
* Fix grammar, spelling, and javadocs in RebornCore
* Fix spelling error in datagen
* fix missed variable name
* fix grammar, spelling, and javadoc errors
* fix grammar and spelling errors in project files
* specify indent_size in .editorconfig
Raw metals thought the ingot storage block variant was their variant. THIS AFFECTS STORAGE RECIPES! Effectively means 9 raw variants can be combined to one ingot storage block, so maybe quickly new beta?
* Half of 2 new blocks, other half is a lot of data/model files
* Rest of the data/asset changes for new storage blocks.
* Bugfixes
* made hot tungstensteel storage block opaque
* Small Piglin tag update
added gold plate and electrum to piglin stuff. Piglins should be able to smell the gold out of an electrum ingot and a block, but not a nugget. Baby piglins are worse at this.
Explicitly used TR IDs instead of c tags because this is part of TR flavor imo
* forgot electrum plate
* and gold cables
* Added dust crafting data gen.
Generation works, but how do I get TR to recognize the existence of the new stuff?
* Added generic armor and tools to the datagen. Also resolved conflicts from the merge with recently changed datagen
* Fixed copy-paste error
by accident for second ingredient first would be taken again
* automatized tag generation
* fixed lingering bugs from previous commit
* much much more gen, for about 269 files
* wrongly deleted recipes in last commit
* Added rest of the decorative storage block variants to datagen
If the table was locked, canMake only checked for each ingredient to be there more than once, but make greedily took all items from the first encountered slot of the needed ingredient if the recipe didn't use the full crafting table and the ingredients weren't aligned to the upper left corner of the crafting table (discovered and reproducible with three wheat in the first column second row and single wheats in the other two columns of the second row).
This commit simply disallows greedy behaviour, each crafting grid slot can only be used once.
I also made one or two changes to the rest of the code (formatting,use of constants etc) while I was at it, but these didn't change functionality.
Should default to false in old and new configs, ie no new behaviour, but now I can deactivate it via config instead of using an unofficial distribution. Will probably come back to this once the toasts are finished...
* Update nitro_diesel.json
reduced from 5 to 2 to remove the cell duplication.
running this recipe gave 3 free cells
* Update nitrocoal_fuel.json
reduced from 5 to 2 to remove the cell duplication.
running this recipe gave 3 free cells
* Update sulfuric_acid.json
reduced from 3 to 2 to remove the cell duplication.
running this recipe gave 1 free cell
* Update nitrogen_dioxide.json
increased from 1 to 2 return correct cell input
running this recipe lost 1 cell
* Update water.json
increased from 1 to 2 return correct cell input
running this recipe lost 1 cell
* Added prismarine related recipes
* Fixed glowstone recipe for chemical reactor
* On second thought, removed the chemical reactor recipes.
* Revert "On second thought, removed the chemical reactor recipes."
This reverts commit 708dfb308c55577584cb85e8cf253f0cd8c21174.
* Added misc recipes
3 new recipes for plantball. 1 via 3x3 grass variants (new tag), 1 via cross/ball per kelp and sugar so it doesn't take up the space of a storage block in other mods maybe.
5 small calcite dust -> calcite (requiring one more small dust than yielded by grinding calcite)
Centrifuge recipes for eggs and turtle eggs, yielding methane and a bit of calcite dust
Centrifuge recipe for tuff into ashes and dark ashes.
* Added misc recipes
3 new recipes for plantball. 1 via 3x3 grass variants (new tag), 1 via cross/ball per kelp and sugar so it doesn't take up the space of a storage block in other mods maybe.
5 small calcite dust -> calcite (requiring one more small dust than yielded by grinding calcite)
Centrifuge recipes for eggs and turtle eggs, yielding methane and a bit of calcite dust
Centrifuge recipe for tuff into ashes and dark ashes.
fix spelling errors on overclocker config
may or may not have had any impact,
It is referenced in src/main/java/techreborn/init/