Removed more excessive this-es.
This commit is contained in:
25 changed files with 257 additions and 257 deletions
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public class GuiExtractor extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
this.drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class GuiExtractor extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ public class GuiFusionReactor extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(partialTicks, mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(34, 47, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 47, layer);
this.drawOutputSlot(80, 47, layer);
drawSlot(34, 47, layer);
drawSlot(126, 47, layer);
drawOutputSlot(80, 47, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ public class GuiFusionReactor extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 55, 51, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 51, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.LEFT, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 55, 51, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 51, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.LEFT, layer);
if (tile.getCoilStatus() > 0) {
addHologramButton(6, 4, 212, layer);
builder.drawHologramButton(this, 6, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class GuiFusionReactor extends GuiBase {
this.builder.drawUpDownButtons(this, 121, 79, layer);
builder.drawUpDownButtons(this, 121, 79, layer);
drawString("Size: " + tile.size, 83, 81, 0xFFFFFF, layer);
drawString("" + tile.getPowerMultiplier() + "x", 10, 81, 0xFFFFFF, layer);
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class GuiFusionReactor extends GuiBase {
buttonList.add(new GuiButtonUpDown(302, 121 + 24, 79, this, GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND));
buttonList.add(new GuiButtonUpDown(303, 121 + 36, 79, this, GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND));
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
public void addHologramButton(int x, int y, int id, Layer layer) {
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ public class GuiFusionReactor extends GuiBase {
final MultiblockSet set = new MultiblockSet(multiblock);
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = this.tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(this.tile.getPos().getX(), this.tile.getPos().getY() - 1,
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(tile.getPos().getX(), tile.getPos().getY() - 1,
public void addComponent(final int x, final int y, final int z, final IBlockState blockState, final Multiblock multiblock) {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class GuiGasTurbine extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
drawSlot(25, 35, layer);
drawSlot(25, 55, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public class GuiGasTurbine extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ public class GuiGenerator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(80, 54, layer);
drawSlot(80, 54, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class GuiGenerator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawBurnBar(this, this.tile.getScaledBurnTime(100), 100, 81, 38, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawBurnBar(this, tile.getScaledBurnTime(100), 100, 81, 38, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public class GuiGrinder extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
this.drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class GuiGrinder extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class GuiIDSU extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
this.drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
this.drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ public class GuiIDSU extends GuiBase {
GlStateManager.scale(0.6, 0.6, 1);
this.drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.idsu.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.idsu.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) idsu.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) idsu.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) this.idsu.getEnergy(), (int) this.idsu.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) idsu.getEnergy(), (int) idsu.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class GuiImplosionCompressor extends GuiBase {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(50, 27, layer);
drawSlot(50, 47, layer);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class GuiImplosionCompressor extends GuiBase {
builder.drawHologramButton(this, 6, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ public class GuiImplosionCompressor extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 71, 40, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 71, 40, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
if (tile.getMutliBlock()) {
addHologramButton(6, 4, 212, layer);
} else {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class GuiImplosionCompressor extends GuiBase {
for (int y = -4; y <= -2; y++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
if (!((x == 0) && (y == -3) && (z == 0))) {
this.addComponent(x, y, z, ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "reinforced"), multiblock);
addComponent(x, y, z, ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "reinforced"), multiblock);
@ -124,9 +124,8 @@ public class GuiImplosionCompressor extends GuiBase {
final MultiblockSet set = new MultiblockSet(multiblock);
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = this.tile.getPos();
//new Location(this.tile.getPos().getX(), this.tile.getPos().getY(), this.tile.getPos().getZ(), this.tile.getWorld());
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(this.tile.getPos().getX(), this.tile.getPos().getY(), this.tile.getPos().getZ());
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(tile.getPos().getX(), tile.getPos().getY(), tile.getPos().getZ());
} else {
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ public class GuiIndustrialElectrolyzer extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
//Battery slot
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
//Input slots
this.drawSlot(47, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(81, 72, layer);
drawSlot(47, 72, layer);
drawSlot(81, 72, layer);
//Output slots
this.drawOutputSlotBar(50, 23, 4, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
drawOutputSlotBar(50, 23, 4, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ public class GuiIndustrialElectrolyzer extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 84, 52, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.UP, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 84, 52, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.UP, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ public class GuiIndustrialGrinder extends GuiBase {
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
// Battery slot
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
// Liquid input slot
this.drawSlot(34, 35, layer);
drawSlot(34, 35, layer);
// Liquid output slot
this.drawSlot(34, 55, layer);
drawSlot(34, 55, layer);
// Solid material input slot
this.drawSlot(84, 43, layer);
drawSlot(84, 43, layer);
// Output slots
this.drawSlot(126, 18, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 36, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 54, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 72, layer);
drawSlot(126, 18, layer);
drawSlot(126, 36, layer);
drawSlot(126, 54, layer);
drawSlot(126, 72, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ public class GuiIndustrialGrinder extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 47, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 53, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 47, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 53, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
if (tile.getMutliBlock()) {
addHologramButton(6, 4, 212, layer);
builder.drawHologramButton(this, 6, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
@ -119,45 +119,44 @@ public class GuiIndustrialGrinder extends GuiBase {
IBlockState standardCasing = ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "standard");
IBlockState reinforcedCasing = ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "reinforced");
this.addComponent(0, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, 0, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(), multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, 0, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(), multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
final MultiblockSet set = new MultiblockSet(multiblock);
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = this.tile.getPos();
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(
- EnumFacing.getFront(this.tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetX() * 2,
this.tile.getPos().getY() - 1, this.tile.getPos().getZ()
- EnumFacing.getFront(this.tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetZ() * 2);
tile.getPos().getX() - EnumFacing.getFront(tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetX() * 2,
tile.getPos().getY() - 1,
tile.getPos().getZ() - EnumFacing.getFront(tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetZ() * 2);
} else {
@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ public class GuiIndustrialSawmill extends GuiBase {
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
// Battery slot
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
// Liquid input slot
this.drawSlot(34, 35, layer);
drawSlot(34, 35, layer);
// Liquid output slot
this.drawSlot(34, 55, layer);
drawSlot(34, 55, layer);
// Solid material input slot
this.drawSlot(84, 43, layer);
drawSlot(84, 43, layer);
// Output slots
this.drawSlot(126, 25, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 43, layer);
this.drawSlot(126, 61, layer);
drawSlot(126, 25, layer);
drawSlot(126, 43, layer);
drawSlot(126, 61, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ public class GuiIndustrialSawmill extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 47, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 53, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 105, 47, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 53, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
if (tile.getMutliBlock()) {
addHologramButton(6, 4, 212, layer);
builder.drawHologramButton(this, 6, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
@ -118,45 +118,44 @@ public class GuiIndustrialSawmill extends GuiBase {
IBlockState standardCasing = ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "standard");
IBlockState reinforcedCasing = ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "reinforced");
this.addComponent(0, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, 0, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(), multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, 0, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(), multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 0, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, 0, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, -1, standardCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, 1, 1, standardCasing, multiblock);
final MultiblockSet set = new MultiblockSet(multiblock);
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = this.tile.getPos();
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = new BlockPos(
- EnumFacing.getFront(this.tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetX() * 2,
this.tile.getPos().getY() - 1, this.tile.getPos().getZ()
- EnumFacing.getFront(this.tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetZ() * 2);
tile.getPos().getX() - EnumFacing.getFront(tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetX() * 2,
tile.getPos().getY() - 1,
tile.getPos().getZ() - EnumFacing.getFront(tile.getFacingInt()).getFrontOffsetZ() * 2);
} else {
@ -49,34 +49,32 @@ public class GuiIronFurnace extends GuiBase {
protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(final float p_146976_1_, final int p_146976_2_, final int p_146976_3_) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
builder.drawSlotTab(this, guiLeft, guiTop, p_146976_2_, p_146976_3_, upgrades, new ItemStack(ModItems.WRENCH));
final int k = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
final int l = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(k, l, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
final int k = (this.width - xSize) / 2;
final int l = (this.height - ySize) / 2;
drawTexturedModalRect(k, l, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
int j = 0;
j = this.furnace.gaugeProgressScaled(24);
j = furnace.gaugeProgressScaled(24);
if (j > 0) {
this.drawTexturedModalRect(k + 78, l + 35, 176, 14, j + 1, 16);
drawTexturedModalRect(k + 78, l + 35, 176, 14, j + 1, 16);
j = this.furnace.gaugeFuelScaled(12);
j = furnace.gaugeFuelScaled(12);
if (j > 0) {
this.drawTexturedModalRect(k + 57, l + 36 + 12 - j, 176, 12 - j, 14, j + 2);
drawTexturedModalRect(k + 57, l + 36 + 12 - j, 176, 12 - j, 14, j + 2);
protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(final int p_146979_1_, final int p_146979_2_) {
final String name = I18n.format("");
this.fontRenderer.drawString(name, this.xSize / 2 - this.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(name) / 2, 6,
this.fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.format("container.inventory", new Object[0]), 8,
this.ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(name, xSize / 2 - fontRenderer.getStringWidth(name) / 2, 6, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.format("container.inventory", new Object[0]), 8, ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752);
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(p_146979_1_, p_146979_2_);
@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ public class GuiIronFurnace extends GuiBase {
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
this.renderHoveredToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);
renderHoveredToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class GuiLESU extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
this.drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
this.drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
@ -56,12 +56,11 @@ public class GuiLESU extends GuiBase {
GlStateManager.scale(0.6, 0.6, 1);
this.drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.tile.getEnergy()) + "/"
+ PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.tile.getMaxPower()) + " "
drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) tile.getEnergy()) + "/"
+ PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) tile.getMaxPower()) + " "
+ PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(),
mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class GuiMFE extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
this.drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
this.drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ public class GuiMFE extends GuiBase {
if(GuiBase.slotConfigType == SlotConfigType.NONE){
GlStateManager.scale(0.6, 0.6, 1);
this.drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.mfe.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.mfe.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) mfe.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) mfe.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) this.mfe.getEnergy(), (int) this.mfe.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) mfe.getEnergy(), (int) mfe.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class GuiMFSU extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
this.drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
this.drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
drawSlot(62, 45, layer);
drawSlot(98, 45, layer);
drawArmourSlots(8, 18, layer);
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ public class GuiMFSU extends GuiBase {
GlStateManager.scale(0.6, 0.6, 1);
this.drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.mfsu.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) this.mfsu.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
drawCentredString(PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) mfsu.getEnergy()) + "/" + PowerSystem.getLocaliszedPowerFormattedNoSuffix((int) mfsu.getMaxPower()) + " " + PowerSystem.getDisplayPower().abbreviation, 35, 0, 58, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) this.mfsu.getEnergy(), (int) this.mfsu.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 81, 28, (int) mfsu.getEnergy(), (int) mfsu.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ public class GuiManual extends GuiScreen {
public void initGui() {
this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, (width / 2 - 30), (height / 2 - (guiHeight / 4)) + 17, 60, 20, I18n.format("techreborn.manual.wikibtn")));
this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(2, (width / 2 - 30), (height / 2) + 22, 60, 20, I18n.format("techreborn.manual.discordbtn")));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, (width / 2 - 30), (height / 2 - (guiHeight / 4)) + 17, 60, 20, I18n.format("techreborn.manual.wikibtn")));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(2, (width / 2 - 30), (height / 2) + 22, 60, 20, I18n.format("techreborn.manual.discordbtn")));
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
int centerX = (width / 2) - guiWidth / 2;
int centerY = (height / 2) - guiHeight / 2;
drawTexturedModalRect(centerX, centerY, 0, 0, guiWidth, guiHeight);
this.fontRenderer.drawString(text1, ((width / 2) - this.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text1) / 2), height / 2 - (guiHeight / 4), 4210752);
this.fontRenderer.drawString(text2, ((width / 2) - this.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text2) / 2), height / 2 + 5, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(text1, ((width / 2) - fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text1) / 2), height / 2 - (guiHeight / 4), 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(text2, ((width / 2) - fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text2) / 2), height / 2 + 5, 4210752);
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ public class GuiManual extends GuiScreen {
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) {
switch ( {
case 1:
|||| GuiConfirmOpenLink(this, "", 1, false));
mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiConfirmOpenLink(this, "", 1, false));
case 2:
|||| GuiConfirmOpenLink(this, "", 2, false));
mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiConfirmOpenLink(this, "", 2, false));
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class GuiManual extends GuiScreen {
}else {
case 2:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class GuiManual extends GuiScreen {
}else {
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ public class GuiMatterFabricator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(30, 20, layer);
this.drawSlot(50, 20, layer);
this.drawSlot(70, 20, layer);
this.drawSlot(90, 20, layer);
this.drawSlot(110, 20, layer);
this.drawSlot(130, 20, layer);
this.drawOutputSlotBar(39, 65, 5, layer);
drawSlot(30, 20, layer);
drawSlot(50, 20, layer);
drawSlot(70, 20, layer);
drawSlot(90, 20, layer);
drawSlot(110, 20, layer);
drawSlot(130, 20, layer);
drawOutputSlotBar(39, 65, 5, layer);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class GuiMatterFabricator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 83, 41, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.DOWN, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 83, 41, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.DOWN, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class GuiPlasmaGenerator extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
drawSlot(25, 35, layer);
drawSlot(25, 55, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ public class GuiPlasmaGenerator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public class GuiQuantumChest extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(80, 24, layer);
this.drawSlot(80, 64, layer);
drawSlot(80, 24, layer);
drawSlot(80, 64, layer);
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ public class GuiQuantumChest extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final Layer layer = Layer.FOREGROUND;
if (!this.quantumChest.storedItem.isEmpty() && this.quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1) != null) {
this.builder.drawBigBlueBar(this, 31, 43, this.quantumChest.storedItem.getCount() + this.quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1).getCount(), this.quantumChest.maxCapacity, mouseX - this.guiLeft, mouseY - this.guiTop, "Stored", layer);
if (!quantumChest.storedItem.isEmpty() && quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1) != null) {
builder.drawBigBlueBar(this, 31, 43, quantumChest.storedItem.getCount() + quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1).getCount(), quantumChest.maxCapacity, mouseX - guiLeft, mouseY - guiTop, "Stored", layer);
if (this.quantumChest.storedItem.isEmpty() && this.quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1) != null) {
this.builder.drawBigBlueBar(this, 31, 43, this.quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1).getCount(), this.quantumChest.maxCapacity, mouseX - this.guiLeft, mouseY - this.guiTop, "Stored", layer);
if (quantumChest.storedItem.isEmpty() && quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1) != null) {
builder.drawBigBlueBar(this, 31, 43, quantumChest.getStackInSlot(1).getCount(), quantumChest.maxCapacity, mouseX - guiLeft, mouseY - guiTop, "Stored", layer);
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ public class GuiQuantumTank extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(80, 17, layer);
this.drawSlot(80, 53, layer);
drawSlot(80, 17, layer);
drawSlot(80, 53, layer);
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ public class GuiQuantumTank extends GuiBase {
protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(final int mouseX, final int mouseY) {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
FluidStack fluid = this.quantumTank.tank.getFluid();
FluidStack fluid = quantumTank.tank.getFluid();
if(fluid != null){
this.fontRenderer.drawString( "Fluid Type:", 10, 20, 4210752);
this.fontRenderer.drawString(fluid.getLocalizedName() + "", 10, 30, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString( "Fluid Type:", 10, 20, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(fluid.getLocalizedName() + "", 10, 30, 4210752);
this.fontRenderer.drawString("Fluid Amount:", 10, 50, 4210752);
this.fontRenderer.drawString(this.quantumTank.tank.getFluidAmount() + "mb", 10, 60, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString("Fluid Amount:", 10, 50, 4210752);
fontRenderer.drawString(quantumTank.tank.getFluidAmount() + "mb", 10, 60, 4210752);
@ -66,6 +66,6 @@ public class GuiQuantumTank extends GuiBase {
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
this.renderHoveredToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);
renderHoveredToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ public class GuiRecycler extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
this.drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class GuiRecycler extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.gaugeProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.gaugeProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -48,15 +48,21 @@ public class GuiRollingMachine extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
int gridYPos = 22;
this.drawSlot(30, gridYPos, layer); this.drawSlot(48, gridYPos, layer); this.drawSlot(66, gridYPos, layer);
this.drawSlot(30, gridYPos + 18, layer); this.drawSlot(48, gridYPos + 18, layer); this.drawSlot(66, gridYPos + 18, layer);
this.drawSlot(30, gridYPos + 36, layer); this.drawSlot(48, gridYPos + 36, layer); this.drawSlot(66, gridYPos + 36, layer);
drawSlot(30, gridYPos, layer);
drawSlot(48, gridYPos, layer);
drawSlot(66, gridYPos, layer);
drawSlot(30, gridYPos + 18, layer);
drawSlot(48, gridYPos + 18, layer);
drawSlot(66, gridYPos + 18, layer);
drawSlot(30, gridYPos + 36, layer);
drawSlot(48, gridYPos + 36, layer);
drawSlot(66, gridYPos + 36, layer);
this.drawSlot(8, 70, layer);
this.drawOutputSlot(124, gridYPos + 18, layer);
drawSlot(8, 70, layer);
drawOutputSlot(124, gridYPos + 18, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
this.builder.drawLockButton(this, 130, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer,rollingMachine.locked);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawLockButton(this, 130, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer,rollingMachine.locked);
@ -64,13 +70,13 @@ public class GuiRollingMachine extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.rollingMachine.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 92, 43, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 17, (int) this.rollingMachine.getEnergy(), (int) this.rollingMachine.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, rollingMachine.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 92, 43, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 17, (int) rollingMachine.getEnergy(), (int) rollingMachine.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) throws IOException {
if(this.builder.isInRect(130 + getGuiLeft(), 4 + getGuiTop(), 20, 12, mouseX, mouseY)){
if(builder.isInRect(130 + getGuiLeft(), 4 + getGuiTop(), 20, 12, mouseX, mouseY)){
NetworkManager.sendToServer(new PacketRollingMachineLock(rollingMachine, !rollingMachine.locked));
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ public class GuiScrapboxinator extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
// Battery slot
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
// Scrapboxes input slot
this.drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
// Output slot
this.drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class GuiScrapboxinator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class GuiSemifluidGenerator extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
drawSlot(25, 35, layer);
drawSlot(25, 55, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public class GuiSemifluidGenerator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class GuiThermalGenerator extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
drawSlot(25, 35, layer);
drawSlot(25, 55, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public class GuiThermalGenerator extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
this.builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, this.tile.tank.getFluid(), this.tile.tank.getCapacity(), this.tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(10), 100, 83, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 130, 28, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawTank(this, 44, 25, mouseX, mouseY, tile.tank.getFluid(), tile.tank.getCapacity(), tile.tank.isEmpty(), layer);
@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ public class GuiVacuumFreezer extends GuiBase {
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.BACKGROUND;
// Battery slot
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
// Input slots
this.drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
this.drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
drawSlot(8, 72, layer);
drawSlot(55, 45, layer);
// Output slot
this.drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
drawOutputSlot(101, 45, layer);
this.builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
builder.drawJEIButton(this, 158, 5, layer);
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ public class GuiVacuumFreezer extends GuiBase {
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
final GuiBase.Layer layer = GuiBase.Layer.FOREGROUND;
this.builder.drawProgressBar(this, this.tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
this.builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) this.tile.getEnergy(), (int) this.tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
builder.drawProgressBar(this, tile.getProgressScaled(100), 100, 76, 48, mouseX, mouseY, TRBuilder.ProgressDirection.RIGHT, layer);
builder.drawMultiEnergyBar(this, 9, 19, (int) tile.getEnergy(), (int) tile.getMaxPower(), mouseX, mouseY, 0, layer);
if (tile.getMultiBlock()) {
addHologramButton(6, 4, 212, layer);
builder.drawHologramButton(this, 6, 4, mouseX, mouseY, layer);
@ -109,20 +109,20 @@ public class GuiVacuumFreezer extends GuiBase {
final Multiblock multiblock = new Multiblock();
IBlockState reinforcedCasing = ModBlocks.MACHINE_CASINGS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockMachineCasing.TYPE, "reinforced");
this.addComponent(0, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(0, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(-1, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
this.addComponent(1, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 0, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(0, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(-1, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, -1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
addComponent(1, -1, 1, reinforcedCasing, multiblock);
final MultiblockSet set = new MultiblockSet(multiblock);
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = this.tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = this.tile.getPos().down();
ClientProxy.multiblockRenderEvent.parent = tile.getPos();
MultiblockRenderEvent.anchor = tile.getPos().down();
} else {
Add table
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