2015-04-17 00:27:25 +02:00
package techreborn.items;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
2015-04-18 12:47:09 +02:00
import techreborn.client.TechRebornCreativeTabMisc;
2015-06-07 06:36:37 +02:00
import techreborn.init.ModItems;
2015-04-17 00:27:25 +02:00
2015-07-02 20:51:24 +02:00
import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
import java.util.List;
2015-04-17 00:27:25 +02:00
public class ItemDustsSmall extends ItemTR {
2015-08-09 12:05:32 +02:00
public static ItemStack getSmallDustByName(String name, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i].equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return new ItemStack(ModItems.smallDusts, count, i);
throw new InvalidParameterException("The small dust " + name + " could not be found.");
public static ItemStack getSmallDustByName(String name) {
return getSmallDustByName(name, 1);
public static final String[] types = new String[]
{"Almandine", "AluminumBrass", "Aluminum", "Alumite", "Andradite",
"Antimony", "Ardite", "Ashes", "Basalt", "Bauxite", "Biotite",
"Brass", "Bronze", "Cadmium", "Calcite", "Charcoal", "Chrome",
"Cinnabar", "Clay", "Coal", "Cobalt", "Copper", "Cupronickel",
"DarkAshes", "DarkIron", "Diamond", "Electrum", "Emerald",
"EnderEye", "EnderPearl", "Endstone", "Flint", "Glowstone", "Gold", "Graphite",
"Grossular", "Gunpowder", "Indium", "Invar", "Iridium", "Iron", "Kanthal", "Lapis", "Lazurite",
"Lead", "Limestone", "Lodestone", "Magnesium", "Magnetite", "Manganese",
"Manyullyn", "Marble", "Mithril", "Netherrack", "Nichrome", "Nickel",
"Obsidian", "Osmium", "Peridot", "Phosphorous", "Platinum", "PotassiumFeldspar",
"Pyrite", "Pyrope", "RedGarnet", "Redrock", "Redstone", "Ruby", "Saltpeter",
"Sapphire", "Silicon", "Silver", "Sodalite", "Spessartine", "Sphalerite",
"Steel", "Sulfur", "Tellurium", "Teslatite", "Tetrahedrite", "Tin",
"Titanium", "Tungsten", "Uvarovite", "Vinteum", "Voidstone", "YellowGarnet",
"Zinc", "Galena"};
private IIcon[] textures;
public ItemDustsSmall() {
// Registers Textures For All Dusts
public void registerIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister) {
textures = new IIcon[types.length];
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
textures[i] = iconRegister.registerIcon("techreborn:"
+ "smallDust/small" + types[i] + "Dust");
// Adds Texture what match's meta data
public IIcon getIconFromDamage(int meta) {
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
return textures[meta];
// gets Unlocalized Name depending on meta data
public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack) {
int meta = itemStack.getItemDamage();
if (meta < 0 || meta >= types.length) {
meta = 0;
return super.getUnlocalizedName() + "." + types[meta];
// Adds Dusts SubItems To Creative Tab
public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list) {
for (int meta = 0; meta < types.length; ++meta) {
list.add(new ItemStack(item, 1, meta));
2015-04-17 00:27:25 +02:00