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FuXiaoHei 460a2b0edf
Artifacts retention and auto clean up ()
Currently, Artifact does not have an expiration and automatic cleanup
mechanism, and this feature needs to be added. It contains the following
key points:

- [x] add global artifact retention days option in config file. Default
value is 90 days.
- [x] add cron task to clean up expired artifacts. It should run once a
- [x] support custom retention period from `retention-days: 5` in
- [x] artifacts link in actions view should be non-clickable text when
2023-09-06 07:41:06 +00:00

188 lines
6.1 KiB

// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package actions
import (
func saveUploadChunk(st storage.ObjectStorage, ctx *ArtifactContext,
artifact *actions.ActionArtifact,
contentSize, runID int64,
) (int64, error) {
// parse content-range header, format: bytes 0-1023/146515
contentRange := ctx.Req.Header.Get("Content-Range")
start, end, length := int64(0), int64(0), int64(0)
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(contentRange, "bytes %d-%d/%d", &start, &end, &length); err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("parse content range error: %v", err)
// build chunk store path
storagePath := fmt.Sprintf("tmp%d/%d-%d-%d.chunk", runID, artifact.ID, start, end)
// use io.TeeReader to avoid reading all body to md5 sum.
// it writes data to hasher after reading end
// if hash is not matched, delete the read-end result
hasher := md5.New()
r := io.TeeReader(ctx.Req.Body, hasher)
// save chunk to storage
writtenSize, err := st.Save(storagePath, r, -1)
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("save chunk to storage error: %v", err)
// check md5
reqMd5String := ctx.Req.Header.Get(artifactXActionsResultsMD5Header)
chunkMd5String := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
log.Info("[artifact] check chunk md5, sum: %s, header: %s", chunkMd5String, reqMd5String)
// if md5 not match, delete the chunk
if reqMd5String != chunkMd5String || writtenSize != contentSize {
if err := st.Delete(storagePath); err != nil {
log.Error("Error deleting chunk: %s, %v", storagePath, err)
return -1, fmt.Errorf("md5 not match")
log.Info("[artifact] save chunk %s, size: %d, artifact id: %d, start: %d, end: %d",
storagePath, contentSize, artifact.ID, start, end)
// return chunk total size
return length, nil
type chunkFileItem struct {
ArtifactID int64
Start int64
End int64
Path string
func listChunksByRunID(st storage.ObjectStorage, runID int64) (map[int64][]*chunkFileItem, error) {
storageDir := fmt.Sprintf("tmp%d", runID)
var chunks []*chunkFileItem
if err := st.IterateObjects(storageDir, func(path string, obj storage.Object) error {
item := chunkFileItem{Path: path}
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(path, filepath.Join(storageDir, "%d-%d-%d.chunk"), &item.ArtifactID, &item.Start, &item.End); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parse content range error: %v", err)
chunks = append(chunks, &item)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// chunks group by artifact id
chunksMap := make(map[int64][]*chunkFileItem)
for _, c := range chunks {
chunksMap[c.ArtifactID] = append(chunksMap[c.ArtifactID], c)
return chunksMap, nil
func mergeChunksForRun(ctx *ArtifactContext, st storage.ObjectStorage, runID int64, artifactName string) error {
// read all db artifacts by name
artifacts, err := actions.ListArtifactsByRunIDAndName(ctx, runID, artifactName)
if err != nil {
return err
// read all uploading chunks from storage
chunksMap, err := listChunksByRunID(st, runID)
if err != nil {
return err
// range db artifacts to merge chunks
for _, art := range artifacts {
chunks, ok := chunksMap[art.ID]
if !ok {
log.Debug("artifact %d chunks not found", art.ID)
if err := mergeChunksForArtifact(ctx, chunks, st, art); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func mergeChunksForArtifact(ctx *ArtifactContext, chunks []*chunkFileItem, st storage.ObjectStorage, artifact *actions.ActionArtifact) error {
sort.Slice(chunks, func(i, j int) bool {
return chunks[i].Start < chunks[j].Start
allChunks := make([]*chunkFileItem, 0)
startAt := int64(-1)
// check if all chunks are uploaded and in order and clean repeated chunks
for _, c := range chunks {
// startAt is -1 means this is the first chunk
// previous c.ChunkEnd + 1 == c.ChunkStart means this chunk is in order
// StartAt is not -1 and c.ChunkStart is not startAt + 1 means there is a chunk missing
if c.Start == (startAt + 1) {
allChunks = append(allChunks, c)
startAt = c.End
// if the last chunk.End + 1 is not equal to chunk.ChunkLength, means chunks are not uploaded completely
if startAt+1 != artifact.FileCompressedSize {
log.Debug("[artifact] chunks are not uploaded completely, artifact_id: %d", artifact.ID)
return nil
// use multiReader
readers := make([]io.Reader, 0, len(allChunks))
closeReaders := func() {
for _, r := range readers {
_ = r.(io.Closer).Close() // it guarantees to be io.Closer by the following loop's Open function
readers = nil
defer closeReaders()
for _, c := range allChunks {
var readCloser io.ReadCloser
var err error
if readCloser, err = st.Open(c.Path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open chunk error: %v, %s", err, c.Path)
readers = append(readers, readCloser)
mergedReader := io.MultiReader(readers...)
// if chunk is gzip, use gz as extension
// download-artifact action will use content-encoding header to decide if it should decompress the file
extension := "chunk"
if artifact.ContentEncoding == "gzip" {
extension = "chunk.gz"
// save merged file
storagePath := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d/%d.%s", artifact.RunID%255, artifact.ID%255, time.Now().UnixNano(), extension)
written, err := st.Save(storagePath, mergedReader, -1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("save merged file error: %v", err)
if written != artifact.FileCompressedSize {
return fmt.Errorf("merged file size is not equal to chunk length")
defer func() {
closeReaders() // close before delete
// drop chunks
for _, c := range chunks {
if err := st.Delete(c.Path); err != nil {
log.Warn("Error deleting chunk: %s, %v", c.Path, err)
// save storage path to artifact
log.Debug("[artifact] merge chunks to artifact: %d, %s", artifact.ID, storagePath)
artifact.StoragePath = storagePath
artifact.Status = int64(actions.ArtifactStatusUploadConfirmed)
if err := actions.UpdateArtifactByID(ctx, artifact.ID, artifact); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("update artifact error: %v", err)
return nil