forked from NYANDEV/forgejo
I think it's better if the primary actions have primary color instead of green which fits better into the overall single-color UI design. This PR currently replaces every green button with primary: <img width="141" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 14 07 59" src=""> <img width="161" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 14 07 51" src=""> Modal actions now use uncolored/primary instead of previous green/red colors. I also removed the box-shadow on all basic buttons: <img width="259" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 14 16 39" src=""> <img width="261" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 14 17 42" src=""> The change currently includes the "Merge PR" button, for which we might want to make an exception to match the icon color there: <img width="442" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 14 33 53" src="">
53 lines
2.7 KiB
53 lines
2.7 KiB
<div id="review-box">
<button class="ui tiny primary button gt-pr-2 gt-df js-btn-review {{if not $.IsShowingAllCommits}}disabled{{end}}" {{if not $.IsShowingAllCommits}}data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.review_only_possible_for_full_diff"}}"{{end}}>
{{.locale.Tr ""}}
<span class="ui small label review-comments-counter" data-pending-comment-number="{{.PendingCodeCommentNumber}}">{{.PendingCodeCommentNumber}}</span>
{{svg "octicon-triangle-down" 14 "dropdown icon"}}
{{if $.IsShowingAllCommits}}
<div class="review-box-panel tippy-target">
<div class="ui segment">
<form class="ui form form-fetch-action" action="{{.Link}}/reviews/submit" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="commit_id" value="{{.AfterCommitID}}">
<div class="field gt-df gt-ac">
<div class="gt-f1">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</div>
<a class="muted close">{{svg "octicon-x" 16}}</a>
<div class="field">
{{template "shared/combomarkdowneditor" (dict
"locale" $.locale
"MarkdownPreviewUrl" (print .Repository.Link "/markup")
"MarkdownPreviewContext" .RepoLink
"TextareaName" "content"
"TextareaPlaceholder" ($.locale.Tr "")
"DropzoneParentContainer" "form"
{{if .IsAttachmentEnabled}}
<div class="field">
{{template "repo/upload" .}}
<div class="divider"></div>
{{$showSelfTooltip := (and $.IsSigned ($.Issue.IsPoster $.SignedUser.ID))}}
{{if $showSelfTooltip}}
<span class="gt-dib" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr ""}}">
<button type="submit" name="type" value="approve" disabled class="ui submit primary tiny button btn-submit">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
<button type="submit" name="type" value="approve" class="ui submit primary tiny button btn-submit">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
<button type="submit" name="type" value="comment" class="ui submit tiny basic button btn-submit">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
{{if $showSelfTooltip}}
<span class="gt-dib" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr ""}}">
<button type="submit" name="type" value="reject" disabled class="ui submit red tiny button btn-submit">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
<button type="submit" name="type" value="reject" class="ui submit red tiny button btn-submit">{{$.locale.Tr ""}}</button>