forked from NYANDEV/forgejo
Main changes: - Moved the icon into `action-item-main`, and make it `position: absolute` to allow add margin it to align with `issue-item-top-row`. - Adjusted padding and color of texts. # Before <img width="721" alt="Screen Shot 2023-06-09 at 17 04 38" src=""> # After <img width="1421" alt="Screen Shot 2023-06-09 at 18 32 47" src=""> On hover: <img width="1431" alt="Screen Shot 2023-06-09 at 18 32 54" src="">
32 lines
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32 lines
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<div class="issue list gt-m-0">
{{range .Runs}}
<li class="item gt-df gt-py-4">
<div class="issue-item-left issue-item-icon gt-df gt-items-start">
{{template "repo/actions/status" (dict "status" .Status.String "locale" $.locale)}}
<div class="issue-item-main action-item-main gt-f1 gt-fc gt-df gt-mr-3">
<div class="issue-item-top-row gt-mb-2">
<a class="index gt-no-underline title action-item-title" title="{{.Title}}" href="{{if .Link}}{{.Link}}{{else}}{{$.Link}}/{{.Index}}{{end}}">
{{- .Title -}}
<div class="desc issue-item-bottom-row gt-df gt-ac gt-fw">
<b>{{if not $.CurWorkflow}}{{.WorkflowID}} {{end}}#{{.Index}}</b>: {{$.locale.Tr "actions.runs.commit"}}
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{.CommitSHA}}">{{ShortSha .CommitSHA}}</a>{{$.locale.Tr "actions.runs.pushed_by"}} {{.TriggerUser.GetDisplayName}}
<span class="ui label">
{{if .RefLink}}
<a href="{{.RefLink}}">{{.PrettyRef}}</a>
<div class="issue-item-right">
<div>{{TimeSinceUnix .Updated $.locale}}</div>
{{template "base/paginate" .}}