# Silly Integrated Unified System for Accounting and Contract Handling **Working name:** umogen An AI powered document generator. ## Premise This project aims to leverage large language models in order to decrease the effort of handwriting various Polish legal contracts. This iteration will focus on employment and service contracts, namely: contract of employment and civic-law contracts which are the primary contracts used to employ workers. Moreover, civic-law contracts can be utilized to exchange services. ## Contract types - **contract of employment (umowa o pracę)**: this is the most strict form of an employment contract; a fully-featured form which tackles employment-specific matters and emplaces both the employer and the employee with particular rights and responsibilities. - **contract of mandate (umowa zlecenie)**: a rather lax civic-law contract which focuses around a contractor carrying out a service for a principal. Must be formed around a service. - **contract for assignment (umowa o dzieło)**: a form of contract which differs from the above one by focusing on the effect of work rather than the process of it. ## Tech stack The core utilizes .NET 8, while the front-end uses ASP.NET Core with Blazor Server. The CLI is written in Rust. **_No project has been hurt with javascript or [even more with] n-node js._** - **Umogen.Core**: C#, .NET 8, - **Umogen.Server**: C#, .NET 8, Blazor Server - **umogen-cli**: Rust, clap ## Features - [ ] meow - [ ] mew This cat is provided "AS IS" without any warranties, express or implied. Nyanlabs makes no representations or guarantees regarding the health, behavior, temperament, configuration, or any other aspect of the cat. Nyanbyte bears no liability or responsibility for any issues, injuries, damages, or losses that may arise from usage of the cat, including but not limited to health conditions, behavioral issues, or any other consequences.