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synced 2025-03-15 00:22:44 +01:00
The branch name display here is based on the repo's default branch which is not correct.  For example, if I changed the default branch, the branch name here will also be changed:   you can confirm this in : https://try.gitea.io/yp05327/testrepo/pulls/1/commits I think we do not need to display branch name here, as we already have the branch info above. 
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36 lines
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<h4 class="ui top attached header commits-table gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<div class="commits-table-left gt-df gt-ac">
{{if or .PageIsCommits (gt .CommitCount 0)}}
{{.CommitCount}} {{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.commits"}}
{{else if .IsNothingToCompare}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.nothing_to_compare"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.no_commits" $.BaseBranch $.HeadBranch}}
<div class="commits-table-right gt-whitespace-nowrap">
{{if .PageIsCommits}}
<form class="ignore-dirty" action="{{.RepoLink}}/commits/{{.BranchNameSubURL}}/search">
<div class="ui tiny search input">
<input name="q" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.search"}}" value="{{.Keyword}}" autofocus>
<div class="ui tiny checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="all" value="true" {{.All}}>
<label>{{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.search_all"}}</label>
<button class="ui primary tiny button gt-mr-0" data-panel="#add-deploy-key-panel" data-tooltip-content={{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.search.tooltip"}}>{{.locale.Tr "repo.commits.find"}}</button>
{{else if .IsDiffCompare}}
<a href="{{$.CommitRepoLink}}/commit/{{.BeforeCommitID | PathEscape}}" class="ui green sha label gt-mx-0">{{if not .BaseIsCommit}}{{if .BaseIsBranch}}{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}{{else if .BaseIsTag}}{{svg "octicon-tag"}}{{end}}{{.BaseBranch}}{{else}}{{ShortSha .BaseBranch}}{{end}}</a>
<a href="{{$.CommitRepoLink}}/commit/{{.AfterCommitID | PathEscape}}" class="ui green sha label gt-mx-0">{{if not .HeadIsCommit}}{{if .HeadIsBranch}}{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}{{else if .HeadIsTag}}{{svg "octicon-tag"}}{{end}}{{.HeadBranch}}{{else}}{{ShortSha .HeadBranch}}{{end}}</a>
{{if and .Commits (gt .CommitCount 0)}}
{{template "repo/commits_list" .}}
{{template "base/paginate" .}}