// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd.

// this file was taken from the github.com/golang/gddo repository

package middleware

import (


// NegotiateContentEncoding returns the best offered content encoding for the
// request's Accept-Encoding header. If two offers match with equal weight and
// then the offer earlier in the list is preferred. If no offers are
// acceptable, then "" is returned.
func NegotiateContentEncoding(r *http.Request, offers []string) string {
	bestOffer := "identity"
	bestQ := -1.0
	specs := header.ParseAccept(r.Header, "Accept-Encoding")
	for _, offer := range offers {
		for _, spec := range specs {
			if spec.Q > bestQ &&
				(spec.Value == "*" || spec.Value == offer) {
				bestQ = spec.Q
				bestOffer = offer
	if bestQ == 0 {
		bestOffer = ""
	return bestOffer

// NegotiateContentType returns the best offered content type for the request's
// Accept header. If two offers match with equal weight, then the more specific
// offer is preferred.  For example, text/* trumps */*. If two offers match
// with equal weight and specificity, then the offer earlier in the list is
// preferred. If no offers match, then defaultOffer is returned.
func NegotiateContentType(r *http.Request, offers []string, defaultOffer string) string {
	bestOffer := defaultOffer
	bestQ := -1.0
	bestWild := 3
	specs := header.ParseAccept(r.Header, "Accept")
	for _, rawOffer := range offers {
		offer := normalizeOffer(rawOffer)
		// No Accept header: just return the first offer.
		if len(specs) == 0 {
			return rawOffer
		for _, spec := range specs {
			switch {
			case spec.Q == 0.0:
				// ignore
			case spec.Q < bestQ:
				// better match found
			case spec.Value == "*/*":
				if spec.Q > bestQ || bestWild > 2 {
					bestQ = spec.Q
					bestWild = 2
					bestOffer = rawOffer
			case strings.HasSuffix(spec.Value, "/*"):
				if strings.HasPrefix(offer, spec.Value[:len(spec.Value)-1]) &&
					(spec.Q > bestQ || bestWild > 1) {
					bestQ = spec.Q
					bestWild = 1
					bestOffer = rawOffer
				if spec.Value == offer &&
					(spec.Q > bestQ || bestWild > 0) {
					bestQ = spec.Q
					bestWild = 0
					bestOffer = rawOffer
	return bestOffer

func normalizeOffers(orig []string) (norm []string) {
	for _, o := range orig {
		norm = append(norm, normalizeOffer(o))

func normalizeOffer(orig string) string {
	return strings.SplitN(orig, ";", 2)[0]