diff --git a/models/webhook.go b/models/webhook.go
index d161ca1ae9..5f3a285691 100644
--- a/models/webhook.go
+++ b/models/webhook.go
@@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ const (
var hookTaskTypes = map[string]HookTaskType{
@@ -570,6 +571,7 @@ var hookTaskTypes = map[string]HookTaskType{
"telegram": TELEGRAM,
"msteams": MSTEAMS,
"feishu": FEISHU,
+ "matrix": MATRIX,
// ToHookTaskType returns HookTaskType by given name.
@@ -596,6 +598,8 @@ func (t HookTaskType) Name() string {
return "msteams"
case FEISHU:
return "feishu"
+ case MATRIX:
+ return "matrix"
return ""
diff --git a/modules/auth/repo_form.go b/modules/auth/repo_form.go
index 123090dbb7..80ed314196 100644
--- a/modules/auth/repo_form.go
+++ b/modules/auth/repo_form.go
@@ -313,6 +313,20 @@ func (f *NewTelegramHookForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors
return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+// NewMatrixHookForm form for creating Matrix hook
+type NewMatrixHookForm struct {
+ HomeserverURL string `binding:"Required;ValidUrl"`
+ RoomID string `binding:"Required"`
+ AccessToken string `binding:"Required"`
+ MessageType int
+ WebhookForm
+// Validate validates the fields
+func (f *NewMatrixHookForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+ return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
// NewMSTeamsHookForm form for creating MS Teams hook
type NewMSTeamsHookForm struct {
PayloadURL string `binding:"Required;ValidUrl"`
diff --git a/modules/setting/webhook.go b/modules/setting/webhook.go
index 3e6040a605..4a0c593c8d 100644
--- a/modules/setting/webhook.go
+++ b/modules/setting/webhook.go
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func newWebhookService() {
Webhook.QueueLength = sec.Key("QUEUE_LENGTH").MustInt(1000)
Webhook.DeliverTimeout = sec.Key("DELIVER_TIMEOUT").MustInt(5)
Webhook.SkipTLSVerify = sec.Key("SKIP_TLS_VERIFY").MustBool()
- Webhook.Types = []string{"gitea", "gogs", "slack", "discord", "dingtalk", "telegram", "msteams", "feishu"}
+ Webhook.Types = []string{"gitea", "gogs", "slack", "discord", "dingtalk", "telegram", "msteams", "feishu", "matrix"}
Webhook.PagingNum = sec.Key("PAGING_NUM").MustInt(10)
Webhook.ProxyURL = sec.Key("PROXY_URL").MustString("")
if Webhook.ProxyURL != "" {
diff --git a/modules/webhook/deliver.go b/modules/webhook/deliver.go
index 505d27a2de..89a95c52f2 100644
--- a/modules/webhook/deliver.go
+++ b/modules/webhook/deliver.go
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ func Deliver(t *models.HookTask) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid http method for webhook: [%d] %v", t.ID, t.HTTPMethod)
+ if t.Type == models.MATRIX {
+ req, err = getMatrixHookRequest(t)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
req.Header.Add("X-Gitea-Delivery", t.UUID)
req.Header.Add("X-Gitea-Event", t.EventType.Event())
req.Header.Add("X-Gitea-Signature", t.Signature)
diff --git a/modules/webhook/matrix.go b/modules/webhook/matrix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf72e6e340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/webhook/matrix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package webhook
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "html"
+ "net/http"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/models"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+ api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
+const matrixPayloadSizeLimit = 1024 * 64
+// MatrixMeta contains the Matrix metadata
+type MatrixMeta struct {
+ HomeserverURL string `json:"homeserver_url"`
+ Room string `json:"room_id"`
+ AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
+ MessageType int `json:"message_type"`
+var messageTypeText = map[int]string{
+ 1: "m.notice",
+ 2: "m.text",
+// GetMatrixHook returns Matrix metadata
+func GetMatrixHook(w *models.Webhook) *MatrixMeta {
+ s := &MatrixMeta{}
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(w.Meta), s); err != nil {
+ log.Error("webhook.GetMatrixHook(%d): %v", w.ID, err)
+ }
+ return s
+// MatrixPayloadUnsafe contains the (unsafe) payload for a Matrix room
+type MatrixPayloadUnsafe struct {
+ MatrixPayloadSafe
+ AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
+// safePayload "converts" a unsafe payload to a safe payload
+func (p *MatrixPayloadUnsafe) safePayload() *MatrixPayloadSafe {
+ return &MatrixPayloadSafe{
+ Body: p.Body,
+ MsgType: p.MsgType,
+ Format: p.Format,
+ FormattedBody: p.FormattedBody,
+ Commits: p.Commits,
+ }
+// MatrixPayloadSafe contains (safe) payload for a Matrix room
+type MatrixPayloadSafe struct {
+ Body string `json:"body"`
+ MsgType string `json:"msgtype"`
+ Format string `json:"format"`
+ FormattedBody string `json:"formatted_body"`
+ Commits []*api.PayloadCommit `json:"io.gitea.commits,omitempty"`
+// SetSecret sets the Matrix secret
+func (p *MatrixPayloadUnsafe) SetSecret(_ string) {}
+// JSONPayload Marshals the MatrixPayloadUnsafe to json
+func (p *MatrixPayloadUnsafe) JSONPayload() ([]byte, error) {
+ data, err := json.MarshalIndent(p, "", " ")
+ if err != nil {
+ return []byte{}, err
+ }
+ return data, nil
+// MatrixLinkFormatter creates a link compatible with Matrix
+func MatrixLinkFormatter(url string, text string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, html.EscapeString(url), html.EscapeString(text))
+// MatrixLinkToRef Matrix-formatter link to a repo ref
+func MatrixLinkToRef(repoURL, ref string) string {
+ refName := git.RefEndName(ref)
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasPrefix(ref, git.BranchPrefix):
+ return MatrixLinkFormatter(repoURL+"/src/branch/"+refName, refName)
+ case strings.HasPrefix(ref, git.TagPrefix):
+ return MatrixLinkFormatter(repoURL+"/src/tag/"+refName, refName)
+ default:
+ return MatrixLinkFormatter(repoURL+"/src/commit/"+refName, refName)
+ }
+func getMatrixCreatePayload(p *api.CreatePayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ repoLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Repo.FullName)
+ refLink := MatrixLinkToRef(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Ref)
+ text := fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s] %s created by %s", repoLink, refLink, p.RefType, p.Sender.UserName)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+// getMatrixDeletePayload composes Matrix payload for delete a branch or tag.
+func getMatrixDeletePayload(p *api.DeletePayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ refName := git.RefEndName(p.Ref)
+ repoLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Repo.FullName)
+ text := fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s] %s deleted by %s", repoLink, refName, p.RefType, p.Sender.UserName)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+// getMatrixForkPayload composes Matrix payload for forked by a repository.
+func getMatrixForkPayload(p *api.ForkPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ baseLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Forkee.HTMLURL, p.Forkee.FullName)
+ forkLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Repo.FullName)
+ text := fmt.Sprintf("%s is forked to %s", baseLink, forkLink)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixIssuesPayload(p *api.IssuePayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ text, _, _, _ := getIssuesPayloadInfo(p, MatrixLinkFormatter, true)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixIssueCommentPayload(p *api.IssueCommentPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ text, _, _ := getIssueCommentPayloadInfo(p, MatrixLinkFormatter, true)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixReleasePayload(p *api.ReleasePayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ text, _ := getReleasePayloadInfo(p, MatrixLinkFormatter, true)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixPushPayload(p *api.PushPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ var commitDesc string
+ if len(p.Commits) == 1 {
+ commitDesc = "1 commit"
+ } else {
+ commitDesc = fmt.Sprintf("%d commits", len(p.Commits))
+ }
+ repoLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Repo.FullName)
+ branchLink := MatrixLinkToRef(p.Repo.HTMLURL, p.Ref)
+ text := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s pushed %s to %s:
", repoLink, p.Pusher.UserName, commitDesc, branchLink)
+ // for each commit, generate a new line text
+ for i, commit := range p.Commits {
+ text += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s - %s", MatrixLinkFormatter(commit.URL, commit.ID[:7]), commit.Message, commit.Author.Name)
+ // add linebreak to each commit but the last
+ if i < len(p.Commits)-1 {
+ text += "
+ }
+ }
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, p.Commits, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixPullRequestPayload(p *api.PullRequestPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ text, _, _, _ := getPullRequestPayloadInfo(p, MatrixLinkFormatter, true)
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixPullRequestApprovalPayload(p *api.PullRequestPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta, event models.HookEventType) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ senderLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(setting.AppURL+p.Sender.UserName, p.Sender.UserName)
+ title := fmt.Sprintf("#%d %s", p.Index, p.PullRequest.Title)
+ titleLink := fmt.Sprintf("%s/pulls/%d", p.Repository.HTMLURL, p.Index)
+ repoLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repository.HTMLURL, p.Repository.FullName)
+ var text string
+ switch p.Action {
+ case api.HookIssueReviewed:
+ action, err := parseHookPullRequestEventType(event)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ text = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Pull request review %s: [%s](%s) by %s", repoLink, action, title, titleLink, senderLink)
+ }
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+func getMatrixRepositoryPayload(p *api.RepositoryPayload, matrix *MatrixMeta) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ senderLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(setting.AppURL+p.Sender.UserName, p.Sender.UserName)
+ repoLink := MatrixLinkFormatter(p.Repository.HTMLURL, p.Repository.FullName)
+ var text string
+ switch p.Action {
+ case api.HookRepoCreated:
+ text = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Repository created by %s", repoLink, senderLink)
+ case api.HookRepoDeleted:
+ text = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Repository deleted by %s", repoLink, senderLink)
+ }
+ return getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text, nil, matrix), nil
+// GetMatrixPayload converts a Matrix webhook into a MatrixPayloadUnsafe
+func GetMatrixPayload(p api.Payloader, event models.HookEventType, meta string) (*MatrixPayloadUnsafe, error) {
+ s := new(MatrixPayloadUnsafe)
+ matrix := &MatrixMeta{}
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(meta), &matrix); err != nil {
+ return s, errors.New("GetMatrixPayload meta json:" + err.Error())
+ }
+ switch event {
+ case models.HookEventCreate:
+ return getMatrixCreatePayload(p.(*api.CreatePayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventDelete:
+ return getMatrixDeletePayload(p.(*api.DeletePayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventFork:
+ return getMatrixForkPayload(p.(*api.ForkPayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventIssues, models.HookEventIssueAssign, models.HookEventIssueLabel, models.HookEventIssueMilestone:
+ return getMatrixIssuesPayload(p.(*api.IssuePayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventIssueComment, models.HookEventPullRequestComment:
+ return getMatrixIssueCommentPayload(p.(*api.IssueCommentPayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventPush:
+ return getMatrixPushPayload(p.(*api.PushPayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventPullRequest, models.HookEventPullRequestAssign, models.HookEventPullRequestLabel,
+ models.HookEventPullRequestMilestone, models.HookEventPullRequestSync:
+ return getMatrixPullRequestPayload(p.(*api.PullRequestPayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventPullRequestReviewRejected, models.HookEventPullRequestReviewApproved, models.HookEventPullRequestReviewComment:
+ return getMatrixPullRequestApprovalPayload(p.(*api.PullRequestPayload), matrix, event)
+ case models.HookEventRepository:
+ return getMatrixRepositoryPayload(p.(*api.RepositoryPayload), matrix)
+ case models.HookEventRelease:
+ return getMatrixReleasePayload(p.(*api.ReleasePayload), matrix)
+ }
+ return s, nil
+func getMatrixPayloadUnsafe(text string, commits []*api.PayloadCommit, matrix *MatrixMeta) *MatrixPayloadUnsafe {
+ p := MatrixPayloadUnsafe{}
+ p.AccessToken = matrix.AccessToken
+ p.FormattedBody = text
+ p.Body = getMessageBody(text)
+ p.Format = "org.matrix.custom.html"
+ p.MsgType = messageTypeText[matrix.MessageType]
+ p.Commits = commits
+ return &p
+var urlRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`]*?href="([^">]*?)">(.*?)`)
+func getMessageBody(htmlText string) string {
+ htmlText = urlRegex.ReplaceAllString(htmlText, "[$2]($1)")
+ htmlText = strings.ReplaceAll(htmlText, "
", "\n")
+ return htmlText
+// getMatrixHookRequest creates a new request which contains an Authorization header.
+// The access_token is removed from t.PayloadContent
+func getMatrixHookRequest(t *models.HookTask) (*http.Request, error) {
+ payloadunsafe := MatrixPayloadUnsafe{}
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t.PayloadContent), &payloadunsafe); err != nil {
+ log.Error("Matrix Hook delivery failed: %v", err)
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ payloadsafe := payloadunsafe.safePayload()
+ var payload []byte
+ var err error
+ if payload, err = json.MarshalIndent(payloadsafe, "", " "); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if len(payload) >= matrixPayloadSizeLimit {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("getMatrixHookRequest: payload size %d > %d", len(payload), matrixPayloadSizeLimit)
+ }
+ t.PayloadContent = string(payload)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", t.URL, strings.NewReader(string(payload)))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+payloadunsafe.AccessToken)
+ return req, nil
diff --git a/modules/webhook/matrix_test.go b/modules/webhook/matrix_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfe234f850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/webhook/matrix_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package webhook
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/models"
+ api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+func TestMatrixIssuesPayloadOpened(t *testing.T) {
+ p := issueTestPayload()
+ sl := &MatrixMeta{}
+ p.Action = api.HookIssueOpened
+ pl, err := getMatrixIssuesPayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] Issue opened: [#2 crash](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/issues/2) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] Issue opened: #2 crash by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+ p.Action = api.HookIssueClosed
+ pl, err = getMatrixIssuesPayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] Issue closed: [#2 crash](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/issues/2) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] Issue closed: #2 crash by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+func TestMatrixIssueCommentPayload(t *testing.T) {
+ p := issueCommentTestPayload()
+ sl := &MatrixMeta{}
+ pl, err := getMatrixIssueCommentPayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] New comment on issue [#2 crash](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/issues/2) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] New comment on issue #2 crash by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+func TestMatrixPullRequestCommentPayload(t *testing.T) {
+ p := pullRequestCommentTestPayload()
+ sl := &MatrixMeta{}
+ pl, err := getMatrixIssueCommentPayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] New comment on pull request [#2 Fix bug](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/pulls/2) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] New comment on pull request #2 Fix bug by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+func TestMatrixReleasePayload(t *testing.T) {
+ p := pullReleaseTestPayload()
+ sl := &MatrixMeta{}
+ pl, err := getMatrixReleasePayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] Release created: [v1.0](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/src/v1.0) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] Release created: v1.0 by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+func TestMatrixPullRequestPayload(t *testing.T) {
+ p := pullRequestTestPayload()
+ sl := &MatrixMeta{}
+ pl, err := getMatrixPullRequestPayload(p, sl)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, pl)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[[test/repo](http://localhost:3000/test/repo)] Pull request opened: [#2 Fix bug](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/pulls/12) by [user1](https://try.gitea.io/user1)", pl.Body)
+ assert.Equal(t, "[test/repo] Pull request opened: #2 Fix bug by user1", pl.FormattedBody)
+func TestMatrixHookRequest(t *testing.T) {
+ h := &models.HookTask{
+ PayloadContent: `{
+ "body": "[[user1/test](http://localhost:3000/user1/test)] user1 pushed 1 commit to [master](http://localhost:3000/user1/test/src/branch/master):\n[5175ef2](http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee): Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n - user1",
+ "msgtype": "m.notice",
+ "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
+ "formatted_body": "[\u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test\"\u003euser1/test\u003c/a\u003e] user1 pushed 1 commit to \u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test/src/branch/master\"\u003emaster\u003c/a\u003e:\u003cbr\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee\"\u003e5175ef2\u003c/a\u003e: Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n - user1",
+ "io.gitea.commits": [
+ {
+ "id": "5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee",
+ "message": "Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n",
+ "url": "http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee",
+ "author": {
+ "name": "user1",
+ "email": "user@mail.com",
+ "username": ""
+ },
+ "committer": {
+ "name": "user1",
+ "email": "user@mail.com",
+ "username": ""
+ },
+ "verification": null,
+ "timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "added": null,
+ "removed": null,
+ "modified": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "access_token": "dummy_access_token"
+ }
+ wantPayloadContent := `{
+ "body": "[[user1/test](http://localhost:3000/user1/test)] user1 pushed 1 commit to [master](http://localhost:3000/user1/test/src/branch/master):\n[5175ef2](http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee): Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n - user1",
+ "msgtype": "m.notice",
+ "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
+ "formatted_body": "[\u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test\"\u003euser1/test\u003c/a\u003e] user1 pushed 1 commit to \u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test/src/branch/master\"\u003emaster\u003c/a\u003e:\u003cbr\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee\"\u003e5175ef2\u003c/a\u003e: Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n - user1",
+ "io.gitea.commits": [
+ {
+ "id": "5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee",
+ "message": "Merge pull request 'Change readme.md' (#2) from add-matrix-webhook into master\n\nReviewed-on: http://localhost:3000/user1/test/pulls/2\n",
+ "url": "http://localhost:3000/user1/test/commit/5175ef26201c58b035a3404b3fe02b4e8d436eee",
+ "author": {
+ "name": "user1",
+ "email": "user@mail.com",
+ "username": ""
+ },
+ "committer": {
+ "name": "user1",
+ "email": "user@mail.com",
+ "username": ""
+ },
+ "verification": null,
+ "timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "added": null,
+ "removed": null,
+ "modified": null
+ }
+ ]
+ req, err := getMatrixHookRequest(h)
+ require.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, req)
+ assert.Equal(t, "Bearer dummy_access_token", req.Header.Get("Authorization"))
+ assert.Equal(t, wantPayloadContent, h.PayloadContent)
diff --git a/modules/webhook/webhook.go b/modules/webhook/webhook.go
index 75a81d2aff..9748721450 100644
--- a/modules/webhook/webhook.go
+++ b/modules/webhook/webhook.go
@@ -119,6 +119,11 @@ func prepareWebhook(w *models.Webhook, repo *models.Repository, event models.Hoo
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("GetFeishuPayload: %v", err)
+ case models.MATRIX:
+ payloader, err = GetMatrixPayload(p, event, w.Meta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("GetMatrixPayload: %v", err)
+ }
payloader = p
diff --git a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
index 092f646514..e92ff8f824 100644
--- a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
+++ b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
@@ -1436,6 +1436,7 @@ settings.slack_channel = Channel
settings.add_discord_hook_desc = Integrate Discord into your repository.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc = Integrate Dingtalk into your repository.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc = Integrate Telegram into your repository.
+settings.add_matrix_hook_desc = Integrate Matrix into your repository.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc = Integrate Microsoft Teams into your repository.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc = Integrate Feishu into your repository.
settings.deploy_keys = Deploy Keys
@@ -1505,6 +1506,10 @@ settings.edit_protected_branch = Edit
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min = Required approvals cannot be negative.
settings.bot_token = Bot Token
settings.chat_id = Chat ID
+settings.matrix.homeserver_url = Homeserver URL
+settings.matrix.room_id = Room ID
+settings.matrix.access_token = Access Token
+settings.matrix.message_type = Message Type
settings.archive.button = Archive Repo
settings.archive.header = Archive This Repo
settings.archive.text = Archiving the repo will make it entirely read-only. It is hidden from the dashboard, cannot be committed to and no issues or pull-requests can be created.
diff --git a/public/img/matrix.svg b/public/img/matrix.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a255fd758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/img/matrix.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/routers/repo/webhook.go b/routers/repo/webhook.go
index 94c610fe54..c624848549 100644
--- a/routers/repo/webhook.go
+++ b/routers/repo/webhook.go
@@ -417,6 +417,58 @@ func TelegramHooksNewPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewTelegramHookForm) {
+// MatrixHooksNewPost response for creating a Matrix hook
+func MatrixHooksNewPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewMatrixHookForm) {
+ ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.settings")
+ ctx.Data["PageIsSettingsHooks"] = true
+ ctx.Data["PageIsSettingsHooksNew"] = true
+ ctx.Data["Webhook"] = models.Webhook{HookEvent: &models.HookEvent{}}
+ orCtx, err := getOrgRepoCtx(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("getOrgRepoCtx", err)
+ return
+ }
+ if ctx.HasError() {
+ ctx.HTML(200, orCtx.NewTemplate)
+ return
+ }
+ meta, err := json.Marshal(&webhook.MatrixMeta{
+ HomeserverURL: form.HomeserverURL,
+ Room: form.RoomID,
+ AccessToken: form.AccessToken,
+ MessageType: form.MessageType,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("Marshal", err)
+ return
+ }
+ w := &models.Webhook{
+ RepoID: orCtx.RepoID,
+ URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%s/send/m.room.message", form.HomeserverURL, form.RoomID),
+ ContentType: models.ContentTypeJSON,
+ HookEvent: ParseHookEvent(form.WebhookForm),
+ IsActive: form.Active,
+ HookTaskType: models.MATRIX,
+ Meta: string(meta),
+ OrgID: orCtx.OrgID,
+ IsSystemWebhook: orCtx.IsSystemWebhook,
+ }
+ if err := w.UpdateEvent(); err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("UpdateEvent", err)
+ return
+ } else if err := models.CreateWebhook(w); err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("CreateWebhook", err)
+ return
+ }
+ ctx.Flash.Success(ctx.Tr("repo.settings.add_hook_success"))
+ ctx.Redirect(orCtx.Link)
// MSTeamsHooksNewPost response for creating MS Teams hook
func MSTeamsHooksNewPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.settings")
@@ -594,6 +646,8 @@ func checkWebhook(ctx *context.Context) (*orgRepoCtx, *models.Webhook) {
ctx.Data["DiscordHook"] = webhook.GetDiscordHook(w)
case models.TELEGRAM:
ctx.Data["TelegramHook"] = webhook.GetTelegramHook(w)
+ case models.MATRIX:
+ ctx.Data["MatrixHook"] = webhook.GetMatrixHook(w)
ctx.Data["History"], err = w.History(1)
@@ -861,6 +915,49 @@ func TelegramHooksEditPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewTelegramHookForm)
ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", orCtx.Link, w.ID))
+// MatrixHooksEditPost response for editing a Matrix hook
+func MatrixHooksEditPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewMatrixHookForm) {
+ ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.settings")
+ ctx.Data["PageIsSettingsHooks"] = true
+ ctx.Data["PageIsSettingsHooksEdit"] = true
+ orCtx, w := checkWebhook(ctx)
+ if ctx.Written() {
+ return
+ }
+ ctx.Data["Webhook"] = w
+ if ctx.HasError() {
+ ctx.HTML(200, orCtx.NewTemplate)
+ return
+ }
+ meta, err := json.Marshal(&webhook.MatrixMeta{
+ HomeserverURL: form.HomeserverURL,
+ Room: form.RoomID,
+ AccessToken: form.AccessToken,
+ MessageType: form.MessageType,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("Marshal", err)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Meta = string(meta)
+ w.URL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%s/send/m.room.message", form.HomeserverURL, form.RoomID)
+ w.HookEvent = ParseHookEvent(form.WebhookForm)
+ w.IsActive = form.Active
+ if err := w.UpdateEvent(); err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("UpdateEvent", err)
+ return
+ } else if err := models.UpdateWebhook(w); err != nil {
+ ctx.ServerError("UpdateWebhook", err)
+ return
+ }
+ ctx.Flash.Success(ctx.Tr("repo.settings.update_hook_success"))
+ ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", orCtx.Link, w.ID))
// MSTeamsHooksEditPost response for editing MS Teams hook
func MSTeamsHooksEditPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.settings")
diff --git a/routers/routes/routes.go b/routers/routes/routes.go
index 459aa4d09f..e92f8a60b6 100644
--- a/routers/routes/routes.go
+++ b/routers/routes/routes.go
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/telegram/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksNewPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/msteams/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/feishu/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksNewPost)
m.Get("/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
@@ -479,6 +480,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/telegram/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksEditPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/msteams/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/feishu/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksEditPost)
@@ -577,6 +579,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/telegram/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksNewPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/msteams/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/feishu/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksNewPost)
m.Get("/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
@@ -586,6 +589,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/telegram/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksEditPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/msteams/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/feishu/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksEditPost)
@@ -643,6 +647,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/telegram/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksNewPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/msteams/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksNewPost)
m.Post("/feishu/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksNewPost)
m.Get("/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
@@ -653,6 +658,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Post("/discord/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDiscordHookForm{}), repo.DiscordHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/dingtalk/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewDingtalkHookForm{}), repo.DingtalkHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/telegram/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewTelegramHookForm{}), repo.TelegramHooksEditPost)
+ m.Post("/matrix/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMatrixHookForm{}), repo.MatrixHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/msteams/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewMSTeamsHookForm{}), repo.MSTeamsHooksEditPost)
m.Post("/feishu/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewFeishuHookForm{}), repo.FeishuHooksEditPost)
diff --git a/templates/repo/settings/webhook/list.tmpl b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/list.tmpl
index 0bdc95fa39..417d16ce30 100644
--- a/templates/repo/settings/webhook/list.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/list.tmpl
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
diff --git a/templates/repo/settings/webhook/matrix.tmpl b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/matrix.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..032537dffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/matrix.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{{if eq .HookType "matrix"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.settings.add_matrix_hook_desc" "https://matrix.org/" | Str2html}}
+ +{{end}} diff --git a/templates/repo/settings/webhook/new.tmpl b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/new.tmpl index d02da057f2..cf4c541bb0 100644 --- a/templates/repo/settings/webhook/new.tmpl +++ b/templates/repo/settings/webhook/new.tmpl @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@